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2017-02-27 15:02:04Tue Dec 13 2016 11:16:34 GMT+0100 (CET)






Phenotypes of a mutant

essential [Pubmed|12682299]

''[[gene|scpA]]'' mutants are not viable on complex medim that allow rapid growth, but they are viable under conditions of slow growth [Pubmed|24440399,24440393]

essential [Pubmed|12682299]

''[[protein|scpA]]'' mutants are not viable on complex medim that allow rapid growth, but they are viable under conditions of slow growth [Pubmed|24440399,24440393]

The protein


nucleoid (Multiple) [Pubmed|16479537]

the [SW|condensin] ([[protein|Smc]])2-[[protein|ScpA]]-[[protein|ScpB]] complex forms two bipolar assemblies on the chromosome, one in each cell half, localization depends on [[protein|ParA]] [Pubmed|24440393,23475963]*the [SW|condensin] ([[protein|Smc]])2-[[protein|ScpA]]-[[protein|ScpB]] complex is loaded by [[protein|ParB]] to ''parS'' centromeric sites adjacent to the replication origin, travels then from the origin to the terminus at rates >50 kb per minute [Pubmed|28154080,24440393,23475963]

nucleoid (Multiple) [Pubmed|16479537]

the [SW|condensin] ([[protein|Smc]])2-[[protein|ScpA]]-[[protein|ScpB]] complex forms two bipolar assemblies on the chromosome, one in each cell half, localization depends on [SW|Spo0J] [Pubmed|24440393,23475963]

Expression and Regulation



Original publications

12100548, 12421306, 12065423, 7934830, 16479537, 19450516, 15009890, 11948165, 23353789, 23475963, 22385855, 24440399, 24440393, 25557547, 26253537, 25951515, 26295962, 26725510, 26904953, 28154080

12100548, 12421306, 12065423, 7934830, 16479537, 19450516, 15009890, 11948165, 23353789, 23475963, 22385855, 24440399, 24440393, 25557547, 26253537, 25951515, 26295962, 26725510, 26904953

[SW|Categories] containing this gene/protein

[SW|DNA condensation/ segregation], [SW|essential genes]

The protein


part of the [SW|condensin] complex [Pubmed|24440399,24440393]

present as stable monomer [Pubmed|22385855]

[[protein|ScpA]]-[[protein|Smc]] [Pubmed|23353789,22385855,12100548]

[[protein|ScpA]]-[[protein|ScpB]] [Pubmed|23353789,12100548]

Expression and Regulation


''[[protein|scpA]]-[[protein|scpB]]-[[protein|ypuI]]'' [Pubmed|7934830]

Expression and Regulation


[[protein|RelA]] dependent downregulation (Class I) during stringent response [Pubmed|11948165]